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第40章 你长了绿头发(2 / 2)

Hurt feelings people can be very upsetting. How you respond when someone comes to you complaining about “put down” or insulted by someone else?

2. That statement can only you if you have doubts about whether you are mean and selfish. If you are that you are a warm, generous person, you won’t be hurt because you know what I said isn’t .

3. Suggestion: people feel insulted, tell this and ask if they have green hairs.

1. 人与人之间的感情受到伤害时,总会心烦意乱。

2. 你会感到难过吗?

3. 所以,我的话并没有影响到你,最重要的是你对自己的看法。

1. How should you respond when someone comes to you complaining about being “put down” or insulted by someone else?

put down:放下

2. “If someone says, in effect, ‘You have green hairs’ and you know you don’t, there’s no problem.”

in effect:在功效方面;实际上生效;在实行中

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