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第34章 横看成岭侧成峰(2 / 3)

d’s eye, that these virtues had not been tested over the centuries in vain.

Charity is another rule that has been of great comfort to me in so many trying situations. Charity is something you must learn. I have been very lucky in life because I have been in a position to give charity, and one should never expect any other reward from charity than the satisfaction it gives.

In taking part in any charity you must give from your heart. Any other type of giving is a terrible cheat on life itself.

Charity and loyalty are two things that have touched my life very deeply. They have been a source of tremendous satisfaction to me every day I have lived. This rule of loyalty has caused me to check back on the course of my activities at the close of each day, to be sure I haven’t knowingly hurt anyone in my day’s activities.

I have tried to repair any hurts I have caused before the day’s end. This undoubtedly is very selfish of me because I have learned that this rechecking of each day gives me a good night’s sleep.

In walking around the hill on the plain each day of my life, the virtues I see—whether I am in London, Paris, Rome, Cairo, New York, Hollywood or Wahoo, Nebraska-are always the same.

I am grateful for those old-fashioned virtues that I learned as a boy in Nebraska. And I hope I will have enough humility always to be thankful I was born in a country that give me this chance at life.







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